1. drjjw
  2. General
  3. Sunday, March 22 2015, 01:54 PM

Is it possible to add more than 5 columns to the menu item > user list (table). I realize it might be hard to fit visually, but I would like to try :)

admin Accepted Answer
you can do this via template override, follow these steps:
- Copy /components/com_jsn/views/list/tmpl/table.php into /templates/your-template-folder/html/com_jsn/table.php (create directory if not exist)
- Copy /components/com_jsn/views/list/tmpl/table_user.php into /templates/your-template-folder/html/com_jsn/table_user.php
- Edit /templates/your-template-folder/html/com_jsn/table.php to add header of new column
Between lines 63 and 64 add this:

Screenshot 1

- Edit /templates/your-template-folder/html/com_jsn/table_user.php to add content of new column
Between lines 93 and 94 add this:

Screenshot 2

With template override if you update our component these files will not be overwritten :)

EDIT: we have added screenshot because HTML/PHP have a problem on this forum
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