1. pankajkumargilda
  2. General
  3. Saturday, June 06 2015, 07:13 AM
I have a situation where in the user has to submit the numerical data of his family members. And once he submits the numerical data he has to enter their names respectively. I have given a max of 10 fields to enter the name.
For example:
Number of children 3

Child 1 name ABCD
Child 2 name EFGH
Child 3 name IJKL
Child 4 name should hide automatically as the user has entered number of children as 3.
Child 5 name should hide automatically as the user has entered number of children as 3.

Its a dependency rule on the field name "Number of children". So how I can achieve this. Currently i am unable hide it. Can you give me the logic so that based on the value of Number of children the fields should appear.
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admin Accepted Answer
sorry for late reply, it's a weekend for us.

You can set these simple condition on "Number of children" field:
Condition 1: if great then 0 show "Children name 1"
Condition 2: if great then 1 show "Children name 2"
Condition 3: if great then 2 show "Children name 3"
Condition 4: if great then 3 show "Children name 4"
Condition 5: if great then 4 show "Children name 5"
Condition 6: if great then 5 show "Children name 6"

So for example if you put 3 as Number of children the conditions works so:
condition 1 is met - show "Children name 1"
condition 2 is met - show "Children name 2"
condition 3 is met - show "Children name 3"
condition 4 is not met - hide "Children name 4"
condition 5 is not met - hide "Children name 5"
condition 6 is not met - hide "Children name 6"
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 1
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