1. PhoenixUK
  2. Support
  3. Sunday, October 02 2016, 03:21 PM
Hi There,

I'm trying to create a secondary test profile, so I can have people login that I need to support my issues but having already given out the first support account for a short time.

This is when I noticed that my previous to the update to EP 2.1.0 the registration system worked a treat, no issues at all but now upon selecting the 'Registration' button, I get the following white page with this message;

Error sending email: You must provide at least one recipient email address.

Although, I have just noticed that my Registration URL once I get the above error sending email message, is: https://www.staging1.isknow.how/pre-register-for-an-iskh-account?task=registration.register

Can it even work with registration.register?

It does however, create the Joomla user but has the red X by 'Block' and 'Activated', although the latter I have my site set to not auto activate anyway, as we have to cross reference registration submission credentials with external parties, before we can confidently accept their account and therefore only at that point do we manually select 'Activated'.

When you try to login with the it seems not fully 100% smooth completed user, it hasn't remembered some of the custom field data?

I have absolutely no idea why it is suddenly doing this, or how to resolve it and hope you can help me please? It all seems to have gone to pot for me, since the latest 2.1.0 version! :(

admin Accepted Answer
this is not a Easy Profile problem, you can test also without all Easy Profile plugins.

This come from Plugin "User - Membership Pro".
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 1
PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
this is not a Easy Profile problem, you can test also without all Easy Profile plugins.

This come from Plugin "User - Membership Pro".

Hi and thanks for the reply.

To better understand, can you tell me how you found it to be from the Membership Pro - User plugin please, so I know what to be stating to them, as I didn't pick that up and would like to learn how you did for my future knowledge.

Thanks in advance.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
we start from some point:
- This is a Server Side problem
- Easy Profile do not send any email (registration, admin nortification, activations email are sent by Joomla)
- During registration process are triggered only System and Users Plugins, but Users plugins are more likely to manage the registration workflow

So, I have simply enable/disabled Users Plugins one by one :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 3
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