1. occfaadm
  2. Support
  3. Monday, March 23 2015, 04:48 AM
We are having a problem when someone posts a link to the social network status.

When someone copies a URL to their status like: http://www.albanylawreview.org/Articles/Vol72_2/72.2.0017%20Rosborough.pdf

The system changes the link to:

The diffence is the https protocol. No matter how you try and edit it, it keeps changing it when you post.

Our site is on a secure server https.

This results in dead links (or security warnings) if the server the URL is for does not use the https protocol.
Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
this is not a problem of our Social plugin. Your website parsing all Link and add https protocol

Our Test:
- We have created a menu item (visible only for Admin) of type System Links->External URL
- We have fill with your example Link
- Your site change from HTTP to HTTPS (see screenshot)
- Now we have trashed this menu item ;)

We have made some other test and found that if we disable "System - Admin Tools" plugin then all the links work properly.
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occfaadm Accepted Answer
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