1. verdelino
  2. General
  3. Monday, June 15 2015, 03:26 PM

I would like for you to help me with something.

So on my website I have a shop, to be exact, MijoShop, and we got it because it works with Easy profile in a way, that, when user goes to checkout (wants to buy something), he doesn't have to type in all of his information like name, surname, and so on, but the store takes the data from your registration form.

The problem is next:

The store takes only information that are core fields in Easy Profile.
We need the phone number, address on the map, and country to be also present in user's order, of course.

I am sending you an attachment.

How can we make those fields core fields? OR do you have some other advice?

Thank you in advance
Attachments (1)
admin Accepted Answer
I think that mijoshop not get Easy Profile core fields, it get only Joomla fields.

You need to make some integration between Easy Profile and Mijoshop, but this is complex and we not have experience with this software :(
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
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