1. occfaadm
  2. Support
  3. Thursday, January 15 2015, 06:01 AM
I'm using the user list module. It allows for field searches. What I would like is a button that resets all the fields. One of the search items is a radio button field. once the user selects one, they cannot un-select. It seems that a reset form button would solve.
Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
Here attachment. Sorry :D
Attachments (1)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # Permalink
admin Accepted Answer
sorry for late reply,

to do this copy attached files (extract first) into /templates/your-template-folder/html/jsn/list/ (create directory if not exists)

with this the default template files of Easy Profile will be overridden.

This problem is only for radio field, so in next release we will add some workaround for this ;) . We think that the reset button is not elegant
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 1
occfaadm Accepted Answer
where are the attachments??
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 2
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