1. Jeansuizo
  2. General
  3. Tuesday, September 20 2016, 04:55 PM

I send you the image of main registration, it sales exactly the same presentation as before installing easy profile

(I read in your documentation the following warning: "To work properly Easy Profile needs to have a menu item of type Easy Profile » User Profile." and don't understand WHERE I should put this menu item. Do you have a tutorial video? Could it be the main reason for my issue?)

Or could it be because of the language configuration?

I'm quite new as joomla user. excuse me if my question could be a little bit basic for you.

My Joomla version is the latest, PHP7. it's a pure spanish site, with working machine & manual traduction by Gtranslate.
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  1. http://www.medicinadesistemas.org
admin Accepted Answer
you have many many registration provider, Easy Profile extends Joomla user management (not replace):
1. I have renamed file /templates/your-template-folder/html/com_users/login/default_login.php to /templates/your-template-folder/html/com_users/login/default_login-old.php
This template override remove link to see Joomla registration page and add a static registration form
2. Now I see Membership Pro registration form, I have disabled plugin called "Membership Pro Registration Redirect", I hope to show now Joomla registration form :D but I found another registration provider:
3. Now I see RSForm Registration page, :p so I have disabled plugin called "System - RSForm! Pro Registration Form"
4 Finally I see Easy Profile (Joomla) registration form :D

You have too components that do same thing, this is not a good for performance.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 1
Jeansuizo Accepted Answer
Yes, now it's changing... just a little bit weird in the aspect, suppose it is a question of CSS override or Bootrstrap.

How does work Membership Pro with Easy-profile together?
Is it necessary to activate any plugin, or it is ok like it is in this moment?

Now I have Easy Profile I won't use any other like RS Registration form.

A Compliment to you: It's GREAT THAT YOU ARE SAYING WHAT YOU FOUND AND CHANGED! it's the first time I become such a good and transparent feedback from a support. (Most support make changes without to write exactly what they did, and after that you have to guess what it was... and you mostly have to resolve any new other mess they made on the site)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
just a little bit weird in the aspect
Yes, you have right, but now you see original Joomla login form, your template is designed to work with this override, so you need to add a bit of CSS code to make a nice login form.
Using a static registration form is not good because Joomla is extensible and with this you lost many features (like all Users plugins)

How does work Membership Pro with Easy-profile together?
Is it necessary to activate any plugin, or it is ok like it is in this moment?
Sorry I don't know, we know that Membership Pro developers has created a integration between Easy Profile and their component. But we have not experience with this :(

A Compliment to you: It's GREAT THAT YOU ARE SAYING WHAT YOU FOUND AND CHANGED! it's the first time I become such a good and transparent feedback from a support. (Most support make changes without to write exactly what they did, and after that you have to guess what it was... and you mostly have to resolve any new other mess they made on the site)
Thanks, I think it is a duty, it is important to document what we are doing.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
Jeansuizo Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 4
admin Accepted Answer
1) Translate Easy Profile
all as Joomla component, the language files are into folder /language/tag-TAG/tag-TAG.com_jsn.ini, in this file you will find language constant to translate, for string "--- please select an option ---" is "COM_JSN_NOSELECTION". We recommend to create a file for your language and translate it
About "Confirm Password": constant is "COM_JSN_PROFILE_PASSWORD2_LABEL", you will find this in language file.

2) In "yo soy" I does not see any conditions, anyway I have set a simple condition (see screenshot) and now all business files are hidden if "yo soy" equal to custom value "Persona".
And the documentation about this is incomplete
All parameters have a Tip to explain you how to use it. NOTE: fieldgroup called "Datos Suplementarios para Personas Jurídicas" is still visible because it contain captcha, Joomla append captcha in the last fieldgroup, to fix this you can create another fieldgroup that contain for example a Tos checkbox

3) You can change Upload method from field options, so go to Components->Easy Profile->Choose Avatar->Option Image Field->Upload Method

4) You need to create a App for each social network and fill secret data into Easy Profile options (Components->Easy Profile->Options button). docs about app at:
Facebook: http://docs.easy-profile.com/index.php/article/social-connect-facebook
Twitter: http://docs.easy-profile.com/index.php/article/social-connect-twitter
Google+: http://docs.easy-profile.com/index.php/article/social-connect-google
LinkedIn: http://docs.easy-profile.com/index.php/article/social-connect-linkedin

5) This not come from Jomsocial, this is a built in Joomla Plugin called "User - Profile" (this plugin is disabled by default in all Joomla installation). Now I have disabled this for you from Extensions->Plugins

6) Sorry this button come from Jomsocial, you need to ask at their support how to link this button to normal Joomla registration.
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 5
Jeansuizo Accepted Answer
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  3. # 6
admin Accepted Answer
1) Small Intro about options
se your options correctly for "yo soy"
empresa_ONG|ONG (Organización no Gubernamental)
empresa_OPG|OPG (Organización Política / Gubernamental)
empresa_PYME|PYME (Pequeña y Mediana Empresa, hasta 20 empleados)
empresa_other|Empresa (desde 21 empleados)
escuela_primario|Escuela (Nivel primario)
escuela_secundario|Escuela (Nivel secundario)
escuela_tecnico|Escuela (Nivel terciario / técnico)
Why value Text is better?
- You can change text and user will no loss the value (value is stored in DB)
- Some DB can have problems with Special Chars like accents
- You can use language constants as Text, so you can translate

this is also useful to set options because you can use operator "contains", for example: if contain custom value "empresa" show empresa fields

Anyway, I don't know if this met your requirements, anyway there are differents solutions, the most fastest solution is this:
Now you have set all conditions to hide fields for each value and all without Two Ways, this is good but there is a profile, now if you change options there is not conditions that show fields. Workaround? yes there is a simple workaround, you can add a first condition never met that show all fields:
- Condition 1: if equal to custom value "value_not_possible" show all fields.
After first condition the system will go ahead with other conditions, so hide specific fields.

2) Easy Profile extends Joomla user management (not replace), registration and edit profile pages are the same of Joomla with many improvements. You can set activation from Joomla User options - Administrator->Users->Manage->Options (button)->New User Account Activation (parameter)

3) See screenshots...Why are here these parameters? Because Avatar is a Image field type, with this you can create different image field type with different upload options.

4) try with

Finally just a few suggestions thought as an Idea for you: I would appreciate if you could include a few more "user friendly options" in your next updates: a Dashboard, with Traduction option, a good choice of innovativa Captcha options, better access to image options, some E-mail sending options, a complete country listing, and eventually: district listings for each country, Conditional actions, (for example user activation, PopUp, Sound, effect) conditional HTML content- or CSS formatting for advanced conditional field options.
Thanks for your suggestions, but some my thought:
Dashboard: I would not know what to show, user management is to Joomla
Traduction: you can already translate all fields with Joomla language system, see docs at http://docs.easy-profile.com/index.php/article/translate-fields
Captcha: You can already choose your preferred captcha, the captcha options are the same of normal Joomla registration and you can choose from Administrator->Users->Manage->Options (button)
better access to image options: not only this :P, there are many other parts where improve UI. About image keep in mind that this is a profiler extension, for advance image purpose we recommend other solutions that manage images.
some E-mail sending options: this is a good point, probably in future we will, now easy profile not send email, all email are sent by Joomla User component
Country: with Easy Profile you can already manage this, but you need to have a DB for country,states,cities, etc... an example here: https://www.easy-profile.com/support/conditional-drop-downs.html#reply-11318
Why we does not provide DB? because we think that there is not a DB that fit all requirements, and because you can integrate with another component that already have a city DB, so integrations are more simple.
Conditional actions: Now you can manage action server side by writing a simple plugin (for example send email with changed infos when user update his profile), see docs at http://docs.easy-profile.com/index.php/article/triggers
conditional HTML content We have HTML delimiter field type to show HTML content in field position, you can show/hide also this.
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 7
Jeansuizo Accepted Answer
to 1) Thank you very much! excellent! after a while of tryings with your workaround (it was working the wrong way) now I changed the condition and it is working perfectly!

to 2 and 3) ok, resolved.

to 4) I tried to put the condition [0-9]{6} in diferent ways, but it seems that I did'nt understand where exactly: It didn't work up to now. can you indicate the exact location? (Ideally I would like the User must give an identity number, with at least 6 numbers and letters, but it can be more numbers, not less that 6, and without spaces or special characters)

Finally, and as a sign of gratitude for your highly useful help, I give you a few ideas for further developments of this great extension. It is the best one I found in my comparations, and his most special feature is the possibility to create conditions. Maybe ones of these ideas can be inspirating for you:

1: you could permit more than one custom value for each condition, separated by a new line.
2: instead of a unique target action, you could have 2 target fields áreas: one with the fields the user want to show, and one with the field the user want to hide. So you could eliminate both buttons hide/show, and you could determinate exactly which field have to appear and which field have to disappear on this condition.
3: instead of a unique option for action, you could show 2 fields áreas: one with “add to Usergroup” and one with “remove from usergroup”. So you could eliminate these two buttons too and it would be possible to add to a group and to eliminate from another group at the same time.
4: a posibility to move the conditions up/down for changing the priority, like in a normal joomla menú ítem. This way the user don’t have to write everything new when he wants to change ordering, and set clearly the priority (and avoiding possible conflicts between two opposite conditions)
5: Activate/desactivate condition checkbox (so that the user can debug his work)
6: dialog box “add a new condition” instead of 20 empty conditions
7: group option: “show this group as a list/in a new tab”
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 8
admin Accepted Answer
about problem 4, Easy Profile allow to add a Regex Pattern for text field type. Go to Components->Easy Profile, choose field "DNI" and add options like screenshot.

I agree with all your suggestions :D , Easy Profile is a young component and in future we will improve it.
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  1. more than a month ago
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delbert-warkentin Accepted Answer
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