
  1. zuotoski
  2. Bug Report
  3. Tuesday, March 04 2014, 07:52 AM

First of all, what a fantastic component!!! I was looking for something like this for weeks, I gave up looking for, then I was lookng for something else and "stumbled" on this amazing Tool - Thank you, I mean it.

I've tested in my VM the Avatar option and it worked perfectly. Then I decided to install it on my production site, so I've enabled the avatar, and also added 6 more image fields for another purpose. So, I've set a 726px X 1080px size for Avatar (big, I know, but I have my reasons) and 186px X 36px for the other 6 images. What happened is that the Avatar does not allow me to upload an image in 726px X 1080px aspect ratio, it sticks to 186px X 36px aspect ratio (I've enabled the crop functionality, this is how I know that the aspect ratio is locked in the wrong size).

What can it be the problem?

The second problem is with e-mail validation. It does not allow me add e-mail that is in my domain. My domain is registered on my Host Provider as (for example) - so, if I try do add an e-mail like to any user, it says that the e-mail is invalid, but if I try to add, for instance, it passes. The domain is valid and working, I receive e-mails every day. Also, there is no other user using the email that I am trying to add.

What is it?

Thanks again and keep up the brilliant work.

Kind Regards.
Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
1. avatar problem
it's a bug, try this:
in file /administrator/components/com_jsn/models/fields/image.php at line 98
replace this:
$script='function startImgSelect(container){

with this:
$script='function startImgSelect'.$this->id.'(container){

in file /administrator/components/com_jsn/models/fields/image.php at line 115
replace this:
<div class="img_upload" data-rel="'.$this->element['name'].'" data-width="'.$this->element['width'].'" data-thumbwidth="'.$this->element['width_thumb'].'"><a href="#" class="btn btn-danger btn-small btn-sm" onclick="startImgSelect(jQuery(this).parent());return false;">'.JText::_('COM_JSN_IMAGE_CHANGE').'</a></div>';

with this:
<div class="img_upload" data-rel="'.$this->element['name'].'" data-width="'.$this->element['width'].'" data-thumbwidth="'.$this->element['width_thumb'].'"><a href="#" class="btn btn-danger btn-small btn-sm" onclick="startImgSelect'.$this->id.'(jQuery(this).parent());return false;">'.JText::_('COM_JSN_IMAGE_CHANGE').'</a></div>';

2. email problem
We use the Joomla built-in validation, this is an unexpected behavior (probably Joomla validate email bug)
try this:
in file /administrator/components/com_jsn/helpers/fields/email.php delete the line 52

So you can see it is a bug in checking the Top Level Domain.

we will fix these issue in next release.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # Permalink
zuotoski Accepted Answer

Yes, that did the trick for both.

But, related to the email bug, if it is a Joomla bug, why does it allow me add e-mails from the same domain when editing the user profile without Easy Profile installed? Does Easy Profile use one Joomla core email validation and the core profile use another?

Thanks for the very fast reply and solution.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 1
admin Accepted Answer
Joomla user email address don't have TLD="required" in XML, because it do not need. The user's email address is verified with the activation.

For other email fields not, we have put this check to avoid invalid email addresses. for example something@domain (without TLD)

The problem is that this validation does not work if the domain is on the third level. It should only check domain.tld.

You can retrieve the code at /libraries/joomla/form/rule/email.php at line 56~61 (on J3.2)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 2
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