
  2. General
  3. Saturday, October 04 2014, 03:49 AM
Hi, before purchase I want to make sure this extension will work for me.
So I have a website for Students and Teachers. What I need:
1. 2 different registration forms for Students group and Teachers group with different custom fields. As I learned on this forum, its possible, right?
2. Multi-step custom fields. For example, Students will select 'state' from dropdown and depending on that state it will show a list of Universities located in this exact state. Possible?
3. Will I be able to show/hide fields in the user profile from other users? For example, Teachers can see some fields in Student profiles but Students cant see the teachers at all.
4. Can that Search tool find registered users by their custom fields in profile? For example, Teachers can search for a student from some exact university or state or any other custom field the student has passed when registering. Can I hide search tool from Students group at all?
5. Will I be able to create personal articles for each user (manually)? For example, on all Student profiles will be a tab "My tasks" with a personal task list for an exact user.

Please, help find out if these 5 points will work with Easy Profile, cause I've bought already an extension that did not do all i need :(

admin Accepted Answer
sorry for late reply
1) Yes
2) No
3) Yes, you can set "Visibility for" parameter to set permission to see the field based on AccessLevel (Owner of profile can always see this field)
4) Yes, you can create 2 menu item with different AccelLevels, on each menu item you can set a static SQL custom where to get only filtered users, more info at:
5) Sorry but our component is only profiler component
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 1
Ar_PHARAZON Accepted Answer
Hi thank you for your answers!
I'm surprised option 2 is not possible, like this is important feature for registration options.
Perhaps you did not understand me correctly. So for example I have two dropdowns, first with countries and second with cities so once you select France it will show you all cities in the chosen country. All needed values I can manage in MySQL database (like I did with my previous component Ajax Register).
Is there any possibility to do it? Maybe I can combine somehow these two extensions?

If nothing works could you suggest any other extension that will do what I need

thank you
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
sorry but this is not possible, conditions can hide or show some field or add/remove from usergoups.

Some users have tried to do this, and we have helped. But this way is not supported, you can read this topic

If nothing works could you suggest any other extension that will do what I need

I do not know, Community builder and Jomsocial not have this feature :(
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 3
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