
  1. galbur
  2. Support
  3. Tuesday, May 25 2021, 12:11 PM

How can i show different views for different user groups?
I know how to show lists with a specific usergroup but how can i show a specific Profile view?

We have a list with members. Some of the members have some special Skills.
Now i need 2 views:

A Menulink with a list to all members (including the "special skills";)
When i click on a user it should show me a "simple" Profile. Also for the users with the Special Skills.

A Second Menulink should lead to the Special Skill Members (with Custom SQL WHERE)
And show me a more sophisticated Profile.

Is this possible? And how?

admin Accepted Answer
You wrote:
I want a special view for a specific usergroup of users

but i need:
I want a special view with a specific usergroup of users
My fault, yes my code do this...$this->user contain the displayed user object, so $this->user->getAuthorisedGroups() return the array of usergroups IDs of the displayed user

The views should be public. That means, i have a list with all members (including the specialists). When i klick on a user, the "normal" Profile appears.
mmmh...if this is your need then my solution does not solution allow you to show different informations based on user's group

To make this there are 2 solutions:
1) Use modules and content plugin:
- Create 2 different menu items of type Easy Profile->User Profile (profile and specialist-profile) and set each list to open different profile menu items (set All users list to use "profile" menu item and specialist users list to open "specialist-profile" menu item)
- Go to Extensions->Modules
- Create a module of type "Custom" and set it like this:
Title: Extended informations for specialist
Position: Some position in your template
Menu Assignment: set the "specialist-profile" menu item
In the editor put a code like this: This is a specialist and he is called {user avatar displayed}, I'm a specialist of {user specialization displayed}

strings like {user avatar displayed} and {user specialization displayed} will be replaced with the displayed user, docs with example at

2) - Create 2 different menu items of type Easy Profile->User Profile (profile and specialist-profile) and set each list to open different profile menu items (set All users list to use "profile" menu item and specialist users list to open "specialist-profile" menu item)
- Create an template override: copy file from components/com_jsn/views/profile/default.php to /templates/your-theme-folder/html/com_jsn/profile/default.php
- In the new file you can customize the code by adding something like this

$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$menu = $app->getMenu()->getActive()->id;
if($menu == 756) : /* replace 765 with the id of the specialist-profile menu */?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php endif;
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 1
admin Accepted Answer
this is partially possible, but require a small PHP knowledge.

The profile view is the same for all users, but you can customize it to be different for specific users with template override.

For example,
I want a special view for a specific usergroup of users
- Create an template override: copy file from components/com_jsn/views/profile/default.php to /templates/your-theme-folder/html/com_jsn/profile/default.php
- In the new file you can customize the code by adding something like this
if(in_array(8,$this->user->getAuthorisedGroups())) :?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php endif;
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 2
galbur Accepted Answer
Thanks a lot for your answer. I will try this but maybe there is a missunderstanding?

You wrote:
I want a special view for a specific usergroup of users

but i need:
I want a special view with a specific usergroup of users

The views should be public. That means, i have a list with all members (including the specialists). When i klick on a user, the "normal" Profile appears.

Then i have another list only with the specialist-members. When i click on a link in this list a Profile-View with a lot more information should appear. Is this possible?

Best regards
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 3
galbur Accepted Answer
Hi ...

... and thank you very much.
So i will try this and give you a report about my success ;-)

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 4
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