1. Sarelseekat
  2. Bug Report
  3. Sunday, February 01 2015, 07:55 PM

I just install Easy Profile pro and now I have the following issue with the user registration page. Please help resolve this urgently.
1. First field in user registration form has it's text box invisible.
2. On mouse over, the labels disappear just after a tooltip display.
3. There is no Submit button at the bottom of the form.
4. The prev and Next buttons doesn't submit the form, it just scrolls to the top of the form.
5. When you filled in the form and hit enter, it seems to submit the form, but no good without a submit button?

This is a awesome component, just need to resolved these small issues. Everything else seems to work fine.
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Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
I think that your template overrides the output of the Joomla users component, so the tabs not work properly.

Registration/Edit profile page are the same of Joomla, tabs are generated by a javascript, but when the template overrides the output not along the lines of the default component, so, tabs not work. This is not bug of your template, this is simply a choice of the developer of the template.

Try to check if you your template override the output or try to disable tabs from Easy Profile options.

to check overrides:
- check if exists this folder /templates/your_template_folder/html/com_users
- if exists try to rename into /templates/your_template_folder/html/com_users.old

if you want we can try these things for you, but to do this we need your site details, if you want you can use the form below the reply in "Site details" tab.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # Permalink

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