1. ljaunaux
  2. Support
  3. Wednesday, September 26 2018, 09:43 AM

I am not familiar with source code. I purchased easy profile because it has a usermap included.

I have created an article and I would like to include a usermap in.

Is there any shortcode to embed the user map in the article ? If not, how can I have an article content using the usermap ?
I'd like it to be easy (without code nor editing page codes...)
admin Accepted Answer
this seems possible, you can create a module of type Easy Profile - User Map and set a custom position like "map-in-article".

Now in your article you can add this module by using Joomla Load Module plugin, this plugin is a Joomla built-in plugin and allow you to put modules into article, for example to show the new module you can put following code in article description:
{loadposition map-in-article}
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