1. Brad_Geankoplis
  2. Presales Question
  3. Saturday, December 27 2014, 09:12 PM
I understand that EasyProfile populates only the NATIVE joomla profile fields. I just want to redirect the db field post to the JomSocial profile db instead of the native joomla profile db.

Has anyone created a hack or plugin to be able to leverage the cool things EasyPofile does for a JomSocial site? It seems that if the JSN project made a JomSocial version they would gain thousands of additional sales. Any workarounds or ways to accomplish they same "Cascading Profile Entry Fields" but for JomSocial?
admin Accepted Answer
you can use our triggers to do this, docs at https://www.easy-profile.com/docs/44-triggers.html

Follow these steps:
- Download example plugin at the end of page https://www.easy-profile.com/docs/44-triggers.html
- Install and enable "Skeleton" plugin
- open this file /plugins/jsn/skeleton/skeleton.php
- delete example functions: triggerFieldAvatarUpdate, triggerProfileUpdate
- add your code, for example:
foreach($changed as $alias){
$query="UPDATE #__jomsocial_table SET ".$db->quoteName($alias)."=".$db->quote($data[$alias])." WHERE id=".$user->id;

we assumed same alias from jomsocial table and EP fields

NOTE: this is only an example, this code is not tested and not supported.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
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